Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In the purchase should pay attention to elements of the projector - the projector, optional - video network of industry

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With Projection Technology matures and prices constantly low Projector The figure has appeared in major public places, such as computer rooms, conference rooms and other activities, learning, entertainment and so on. China Projector Market, now is the brand of a large and messy, and recruit more black market, it is easy to accidentally fooled, and if something is because there is no detailed identification of defective products, or buy the projector unit does not meet the application requirements that a big loser. So how to ensure their value for money buy the projector, it becomes a topic of great concern to you the buyer.

Machine model, attention should be focused Department
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Genuine projector box, the generally QCPASS signs, so buy the projector should look for whether there is the logo box. Open the box, the machine should be carefully tested the projector body type, to determine whether the designated market area product model. In different Sell Region, the projector is not the same product model, you may want to phone the brand projector local authorized service center, or directly projector manufacturer to inquire about sales in the region of projector product model. If you check that your projector model is inconsistent with the local market model, then buy back the projector features may not be fully utilized, can not even work properly. In addition, each projector genuine, the only global body has a code, you can call yourself to confirm the serial number to buy the projector is within the scope of the genuine.
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Annex to complete, should be the minimum threshold

Some ways, the projector is complete random accessories available, can be reflected from the side of the projector manufacturers comprehensive strength. Under normal circumstances, the projector includes accessories Power supply Line, control line, data lines, audio lines, should include sales invoices, projector warranty card, operating instructions and other documents related services. Buy accessories should check whether products and accessories manufacturers offer the same directory. Generally speaking, China's projector products are sold, most of the original manufacturers operating instructions in Chinese, and the original domestic warranty card, so consumers can easily use.

Functional verification, should be the top priority

Check the function of the projector is operating properly, is to verify that you are selecting the projector in the end have not purchased value. The current projector numerous options, such as keystone correction, picture freeze, etc., whether these functions and parameters will directly influence the price of the projector. Today, many dealers to obtain high profits, the projector features often boast too hype, many of the features simply not the projector, unscrupulous merchants often use this trick consumers. If consumers ignore the functional verification, not all the features one by one verify if the projector is likely to be deceived.

Therefore, consumers in the selection of projector you before, the best control operating instructions, one by one test it is supported by the projector functions. This link is directly dependent on the process of feeling judged, consumers should be possible to identify with each of the projector function, rather than listen to the recommendation of sales staff or view the instructions.

Accessories Replacement, can not be taken lightly

Projector manufacturers Original accessories are most, and these parts are usually better quality, many projector manufacturers also donated the original leather bag. However, individual dealers to obtain high profits, and sometimes will projector genuine attachment "deduction" down, and then sold individually at higher prices to other customers, or to use low-quality products instead of original accessories.

In the projector's manual, all accessories will be the name, type, specification and quantity are specifically listed. Before buying, you should carefully check list of items to see what type projector includes accessories, accessories, and specifications are the same number.

Interpretation of the three concepts Agfa printing power - Agfa, printing - silk screen printing industry, especially web

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Three concepts will demonstrate the printing force

Section India Network: We found your company drupa2008 a rich set of exhibits on display, from the plate, workflow to the synthetic paper, presses, Agfa does display in this exhibition focus on the What? We should focus on what this release Agfa technologies and products?

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Leaves Tree: We note that the printing market, the following trends: the printing market is expanding, increasingly fierce global competition, new technologies increasingly shorter cycles, the development of digital printing increasingly clear. To provide comprehensive products and services that help our customers ever-changing market competition take the lead, this has been the goal of Agfa. Agfa with strong R & D strength, keen market insight, perfect service support system is based, to meet changing needs, highly automated production patterns and environmental protection as the pillars, creating a complete pre-press printing solutions.
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In this exhibition, Agfa's new technologies and new products around the three concepts to show the power of print, which is: Agfa is free of chemical treatment of the standard plate Agfa offers a complete solution , Agfa is an advocate of inkjet digital printing.

Drupa 2004 exhibition launch Azura chemistry-free Agfa plates, at present, there are thousands of users worldwide use, its environmental philosophy enjoys popular support. The show, Agfa will launch the second generation of thermal chemistry-free plates,: AzuraTS. : Azura TS only to maintain environmental leadership, the in imaging speed, printability has increased dramatically. In addition to thermal plates, the Agfa will be the first to introduce violet laser chemistry-free plate??: AzuraV. : AzuraV also does not require chemical treatment, after the warm-plate image can be printed on the plastic, we believe: AzuraV will accomplish much in the newspaper market. Agfa plate

complete solution including software, direct plate-making machines, supplies and support services. Agfa software: ApogeeSuite including: Apogee Publish,: Apogee Color,: Apogee Prepress,: ApogeePortal modules, is the first to JDF1.3 based, and the perfect integration of MIS and other systems, published in full control of design, prepress processing, printing and finishing systems. Have to provide production control interface, publishing design tools, Security printing Design tools, Adobe PrintEngine based core, full color management support for screen proofing and so on, fully meet the current needs of a changing market, helping users to catch up. : AvalonN is a new generation of Agfa platesetter, providing ultra-large format, etc. from the outside to the different output specifications, a variety of different output speed options, a variety of automated configuration, the machine stable and reliable.

Inkjet digital printing technology is the development trend, Agfa has been working in the field of digital inkjet R & D, this exhibition will display using ink jet technology, market demand for three different products,: Anapurna Series,: Dotrix system and the M-Press systems. : Anapura with UV drying Ink , You can use a variety of printing materials, including web and a few centimeters thick, wooden, metal, ceramics, etc. "In addition to air and water, all materials can be printed." We believe that the: Anapurna will open up wider printing market. Dotrix for the packaging market, you can select different types of finishing modules to build a complete personalized packaging line. M-Press for large format printing market to replace the traditional large-format inkjet screen printing.

RND thickener in the activity of printing disperse dyes - dyes printing thickener - silk screen printing industry, especially web

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In recent years, domestic and foreign authorities on the reactive and disperse dyes Printing Thickening agent used in a lot of research carried out, and have launched a number of products, application performance has indeed made considerable progress. However, the traditional natural paste?? Alginate compared, there was this or that problem. Recently, the British launched a joint ALCOPRINTRND synthetic colloid thickener, in these two dyes Printing Use it to make new progress, so that people on the synthesis of natural paste thickener in the printing process to replace the actual application of a new understanding. I would RND in practice the situation during a brief description.

1, sodium alginate structure, properties and applications
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Alginate chemical composition of -D-mannuronic acid homopolymer long chain. Experimental formula (c6H8O6) n, the molecular weight of about 15,000.
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The alginate and then made use of soda ash in sodium alginate, according to different raw materials, generally pale yellow brown bag or brown bag, it does not dissolve in organic Solvent , Due to the molecular structure with-COONa group, so highly hydrophilic, soluble in water to become translucent, uniform viscous colloidal solution.

Case of sodium alginate solution of metal salts and metal salts generates freezing precipitation, and produce all kinds of Yen package, so pay attention to the use of preservatives.

Case of organic solvents, sodium alginate was insoluble state, but after heating, the majority can be miscible.

Case of sodium alginate solution, strong acid, strong base to concentrate precipitation, pH range of 5.8 to 11 is more stable. Prolonged exposure to air

sodium alginate solution, will lead to decrease of viscosity. Summer in the south, due to high temperature, a phenomenon more obvious need to join a certain preservatives.

As the sodium alginate solution chemistry, physical properties, so that the factory activity in the application of disperse dyes printing process, we get a lot of convenience, but also revealed some deficiencies. There are;

1. System paste longer, generally require the original paste the next day do the next day before use.

2. In the same pattern in both large fine line there, the package deployment is not easy to master slurry.

3. Summer paste perishable, and longer storage time modulation good paste viscosity decreased significantly.

4. When the package be thickened slurry is too thin, the operation is troublesome.

5. Solid sodium alginate was about 6 ~ 8%, on the handle demanding varieties, the lack becomes more.

Second, synthetic thickener PTF, RTA's performance and application

Alginate paste for these deficiencies, domestic and foreign manufacturers have developed the platform as an alternative or partial alternative thickener sodium alginate, and have made some progress. For reactive and disperse dyes such as ALCOPRINTPTF printing. Production shows that, PTF for reactive dye printing, due to the carboxylic acid group PTF and paste in the alkali react, resulting in lower pH values, will reduce its reactivity; followed with package slurry process, the thickening agent on alkali ammonium ions will be replaced by the sodium ion, resulting in the release of ammonia, the formation of bubbles, affecting printing quality; another ammonium ion have been replaced, PTF became free of strong acids, cleaning more difficult for these situation a few years ago the British company has launched the joint gel a new thickener ALCOPRINTRTA. Instead of polypropylene with ammonium polyacrylate, basically solve the above problem, however, are talking about a few joined the RTA is very sensitive to the electrolyte. During use. When the dye added, the paste viscosity will be significantly reduced, which is difficult to promote the use of RTA.

3, synthetic thickener in printing the application ALCOPRINTRND

1. Reactive Dyes Different dye concentration on the viscosity of 6% ALCOPRINTRND. See the figure below:

Different dye concentration on the viscosity of RND

Synthetic thickener is a British joint gel RND latest varieties developed, RND's name is based on the activity of English, Disperse Dyes prefix, is suitable for use in printing activities and disperse. Synthetic thickener RND appearance light yellow, is polyacrylic acid compounds. Is anionic, has a good stability of the electrolyte. Stored longer. Colorants that have been tuned to place two weeks under normal circumstances still stable (Note: Laboratory tests) in water dispersion performance, the use of a glass rod in the beaker can be quickly stir into the paste. After the Yap Cheng Ze white crystalline paste.

It can be seen, in order to make the package RND thickener slurry, better stability. Although a small number of lower viscosity, but in terms of production is completely unacceptable, according to the same circle workshop Printing machine Zoom to the situation in 3000 ~ 4000cP viscosity between the general pattern can be printed is completely satisfied.

Printing factory workshop mixing all-phase process. Also about to urea, resist salt S, baking soda, dyes, water and stir together RND 1O ~ 15min to meet the requirements made of paste, which the dosage of RND 4.5 to 5% can meet production requirements.

, Of course, RND modulation paste can as sodium alginate as the traditional production process, first make a good backup of the original paste, use and then take the original paste pulp, but I think that. This approach seems more a process, and increase the manpower and floor space, but also artificially increase the system lay time

2. Disperse Dyes RND applied to disperse, the use of more simple, this simulation in chemical fiber fabric applications are proven. The water by adding about 45% of the RND stir for 15min the preparation of a good sound of the original paste, then add the required dye mixing about 5min, filtered after the completion of paste made of the electrolyte concentration due to disperse low viscosity change is not so great. After fixing and cleaning process can follow the same way as before. Worth mentioning is the use of RND thickener for disperse printing, the color yield can be increased by 15 ~ 30%.

IV Summary In summary, RND, compared with sodium alginate with:

1. Indian pulp deployment easy and fast;

2. Viscosity control is simple, readily available for post-thickening;

3. Printing blocks and lines chiseled face, no infiltration phenomenon;

4. Improve the color yield. Than the sodium alginate is 10 ~ 30%;

5. Longer shelf life, free from microbial erosion, especially in the southern summer, more convenient to use;

6. Feel good, better than the sodium alginate

RND and the economic benefits of an integrated assessment of sodium alginate shows that although the current price of RND in the country is still higher than the sodium alginate is about 20 ~ 30%, but the simplicity of operation and the dye color yield increase printing quality

Included in the city of Chengdu Dujiangyan 500 400 water springs dry - to find water, water - the water industry sector

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From May 15 to 21 is the national urban water conservation promotion week. From the beginning of this year Southwest Drought to the present Water To be raised, water, the closely related human resources always provoke our nerves. Concerned about water resources, promote water conservation, seems particularly urgent today. Newspaper this week introduced water saving special reports, saving is no longer only hope one day on impulse, but so true to yourself, to around Environment Consistently made the "eternal."

"Huayang Kingdom" record: "Shu Woyeqianli, known as land and sea, dry the water infiltration, rain, Doucet Watergate, so Hutchison said: drought from people I do not know hunger, when no famine, the world is that the Tianfu also. "Today, from 2008, Chengdu, China had already entered the ranks of 400 cities with a shortage last year, just over 660 cubic meters per capita water resources less than the world average of 10%.
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Water, on the side, but we are still very "optimistic." In some forums, reporters found that many users will be Chengdu City Chengdu ranked water as a "joke." But the reality before us, resources, water shortage, water consumption increases, lack of water and some water disappeared, Chengdu Dujiangyan, a direct result of sitting from a "water rich" city into a "water poor" urban. Experts say, if not promptly take effective measures in some areas 20 years after the Chengdu Plain, "no place to look for water."

Spring Dujiangyan did 500 years Drought in the Southwest this spring, so that all the Chinese people unprecedented attention to the "water" scarce and important. However, in Dujiangyan, "water" situation is not optimistic.

"Old village of Happy Valley Springs does not take water!" This year in March, introducing the local people, the ancient city of Dujiangyan shiyangzhen a village 500 years never did stop the spring, this spring a few hundred years ago, out of mouth spray water flow around Wankou thickness, regardless of winter or summer, and regardless of the rainy season or dry season, never stop. Meanwhile, many villagers found Dujiangyan, the family has a serious decline in water level in wells, the villagers because of the well water pumping up, then had to play deeper wells were found, had to fight a 23 m can be water, now hit 6-10 meters. Many villagers believe, is a once Southwest Arid Result.

As a unit of Department of Water Resources, Sichuan Province, Dujiangyan Dujiangyan Irrigation Authority is responsible for the allocation of water resources. Responsible official of the council, said the phenomenon is not unique to this year, they found, in Dujiangyan, widespread reduction of surface water, ground water level drop phenomena, "especially after the earthquake, in addition to declining groundwater levels in some areas the situation, but also water and groundwater in some areas vague on the lost. "

Minjiang River mountain snow too few nearly 5 percent

River as the main water supply in Chengdu, in people's minds, Minjiang River has always been rich in water resources. But the head of Administration of Dujiangyan in Sichuan, said this enrichment is "relatively rich" In fact, the Minjiang River runoff has been decreasing in recent decades, "every 10 years by 5%, this is still a few years the proportion of somewhat higher. " Hydrometric Station according to purple ping data, the 50s to the upper reaches of Minjiang River's average annual 15.65 billion m3 of water, but first the 90's, has dropped to a low of 13.28 billion m3.

With the temperature rising in recent years, the upper reaches of Minjiang River has also been decreasing the amount of snow. Reporter from the "Dujiangyan irrigation water distribution scheme in 2010," to understand that, since late last November after the upper reaches of Minjiang snowfall was less than in previous years, in February of this year, too few high mountain snow than in previous years, nearly 5 percent. "

Earthquake also to the soil water of the Minjiang River caused some impact, "It's very easy to cause soil erosion, can no longer supply the normal way of Minjiang River."

Water intake of water level lowest in nearly 10 years

Emerged in recent years of drought have had an impact to the Minjiang River. Chengdu water related limited liability company official said that this year, Liu Chang in Pihe River water intake on the water level dropped to nearly 10 years once again to the lowest point.

Data, Chengdu, Hong Kong's average total of about 9.316 billion cubic meters of water resources, local water resources per capita is only 828 cubic meters, far below the internationally recognized 1700 cubic meters / person of a serious water shortage cordon. Thus, from 2008, Chengdu will be included in the national water shortage in 400 cities. Last year, Chengdu, just over 660 cubic meters per capita water resources, per capita water resources accounting for about 1 / 3 less than 10% of the world average, "and the trend is still down year by year."

Just how solar PV industry chain length

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For the global PV industry, if the new energy policy that the world is the rapid rise of this new engine sunrise industry, high technology can be said that from the laboratory to the market midwife. Obviously, the technology development, industrial development and policy direction have a clear premise, for those trying to enter the photovoltaic industry to capture opportunities in many domestic enterprises, a clear awareness and understanding of the entire PV industry ecosystem, the scale of investment and technical requirements becomes particularly important.

Upstream: who is the King owns silicon

In the global PV industry chain, high-purity silicon materials (purity of 99.9999% or more) is Suntech production such as photovoltaic solar cells needed for the core material. Therefore, the high-purity silicon material in the mining, refining and production of photovoltaic industry clusters has become the most upstream industry. At present, although the silicon raw material mineral reserves in China account for 25% of the world's total reserves (silicon itself is the world's richest mineral reserves one), because the production of silicon materials for solar cells is mainly monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon, They are extracted by different methods to extract raw materials made from silicon, silicon raw materials while China's current refining technology lags far behind the original Western developed countries (the highest national level of only 99.5% extraction), resulting in domestic Suntech days Wei Ying Lee and other raw materials required for solar cell manufacturers need to import most. Thus, not only greatly increase the production costs, but also restricted the PV industry in our country to the upstream development of insurmountable "bottleneck."
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As the solar cell production to meet the needs of high-purity silicon production core technology lies in the hands of a few companies in Western developed countries, coupled with high-purity silicon material can also be used for military industry, thus introducing the core technology is very difficult. Also, from an investment perspective, a 1000 tons polysilicon production lines, just as a medium of modern petrochemical companies, engineering design not only complex, high power consumption (annual output 1000 tons polysilicon production lines installed capacity of power supply needs of 98 000 kw, the total power consumption is 250 million kwh), and total investment in China is as high as 10 billion, while 1000 tons / year is now globally recognized high-purity silicon material production of the smallest economies of scale. More importantly, access to the industry's most important threshold is not capital, but technology.
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It is understood that although China's polysilicon industry start earlier (50 years of the 20th century), but small production scale, backward technology, environmental pollution, consumption, high cost, most companies have discontinued due to loss or Transferring to 2004, only Emei Semiconductor Material Factory and Luoyang Monocrystalline Silicon Co., Ltd. The two producers, production capacity is only 100 tons / year to meet the needs of the silicon solar cell production output of only 80 tons of material reality. Experts predict that by 2010 China's production of silicon for solar cell demand expected to reach 4,365 tons in 2015 to 16,200 tons. Without the intellectual property rights change the status of the domestic production of polysilicon, silicon materials industry in China is subject to international market conditions will not change, this will endanger the further development of PV industry in China.

In fact, in all countries work together to promote a new energy policy, the PV industry in the past 5 years, rapid development has led to meet the solar grade silicon material is in short supply situation, the market price is singing along: 2003 kg is 24 dollars 2004, rose to 32 U.S. dollars, by the end of 2005 rose to 80 U.S. dollars is jump up about. Therefore, the PV industry chain, the upstream raw materials on the importance of solar companies like "food". Market analysts have even predicted: "For the solar cell company, now even the future for a long time, the key is not a production capacity and sales, but whether there is sufficient supply of raw materials."

In fact, Suntech IPO in the NYSE listing roadshow last year's process, foreign investors are most frequently asked question is the raw material in 2006 is not implemented? In its prospectus is a clear indication, they raised nearly 400 million U.S. dollars in cash, there will be 100 million U.S. dollars for the purchase of raw materials or a down payment in order to further control the raw material. Everbright Securities analyst Han Ling Energy IPO in the next day after Suntech also said: "The only deal well with the upstream silicon raw material supplier relationships, Suntech continued strength no problem." Relevant foreign securities research report also noted that in the next two , the silicon material shortage will be the solar industry, the most important risks.

Therefore, in the PV industry chain, the upstream high-purity silicon production enterprise owned by Silicon king is real. In view of this, last November, held in Beijing the polysilicon (one high-purity silicon material) the "Eleventh Five-Year" Conference on Science and Technology Development, Chinese Academy of simple aquatic said in his speech: "Our country should establish a polysilicon base, the base of the output can go to thousands or even hundreds of billion billion. If we can build several such bases in our country's comprehensive national strength will be greatly increased. "