Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fuji Xerox's office document management services to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises - Fuji Xerox, XOS-HC network printing industry

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File Management An enterprise, in the end mean?

Statistics: effective file management will help enterprises to improve the utilization of information to enhance knowledge sharing and management, and can directly reduce the company's overall operating costs. Currently, many enterprises have realized the importance of document management, but the process of enterprise document management for the costs incurred in the cost of how to control? Whether the existing file device has been fully utilized? Document equipment takes up too much management and whether human? These problems are plaguing companies.

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As a global document management experts Fuji Xerox Has consistently advocated the importance of document management, and introduced effective XOS (Xerox OfficeServices) Office Document Management Service For enterprises to solve these problems, enhance document management. We use a practical example to briefly look at Fuji Xerox's office document management services XOS.
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N is a global Communication Company, its brand Mobile Has consistently ranked in the forefront of the global handset market. The company's dozens of countries around the world branches, all have a massive document processing needs. Fuji Xerox is the world's many countries and regions of the N companies to provide a unified standard of service. Among them, the Fuji Xerox (China) Ltd. Global Services also provides for the N China "XOS office document management services," helping them through a scientific and rational methods, evaluation of office output devices, optimization and management.

XOS office document management services, the goal is to "reshape the office, the Office of downsizing." Fuji Xerox first N documents the company's office environment and examine the use situation, including the efficiency of the inspection, space density Research Workload survey, capacity utilization and output device management process inspection, and documentation requirements would the investigation, including documents used in the degree of urgency, the cost of each employee, Information Security And the use of special needs, color requirements, but also the whole corporate culture of the study, taking into account all factors and analyzed the data, the Fuji Xerox company for the N XOS customized service solutions. Program include: the number of single-function clients original equipment replacement as multi-function devices, and some Network equipment ; Save a small number of single-function desktop devices; the output of the various departments need all the equipment the company to re-shuffle, a comprehensive reorganization of assets; for the optimization of management processes. This down, N the number of the company's office output device greatly reduced, and the entire time, the process saves up to 40%.

The same time, Fuji Xerox established a company for the N file output device fixed office Asset Management Assessment system, on a regular basis for their assessment of the current document output device management situation, and proposed updates, optimization and asset re-allocation of the program. In addition, the need to explain that, Fuji Xerox N, provided management services including third-party devices (non-Xerox product) service providers, and Consumables Supply management.

Short, Fuji Xerox, and N is a signed long-term, one-stop total service contract to help them manage, maintain a variety of brands, different types of output devices at the same time, to optimize their output device management processes to achieve control costs, improve efficiency and management level, and enhance core competitiveness objectives. N XOS services company benefits are obvious, through this high-quality one-stop service solution, N global document output device management costs decreased by 20% to 30%, the overall office efficiency will improve by 15% ~ 30%.

General, through the office document management services, Fuji Xerox can be demand-driven user output device configured to provide clients with personalized service demand, and efficient form of network device management and early warning, and then delivery of comprehensive statistical reports will be after a month of data collection, communication with customers and explore fully and continuously optimize the allocation for equipment and process optimization of management.

N executives said, with Fuji Xerox XOS service, the company's management has been improved to enhance office efficiency is also the service quality has improved, and strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises. This is the desired business results, is Fuji Xerox document management services XOS office wants to help companies achieve.

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